You should be using corner guards in homes and offices

When you design a new office or residential building, you will want to make the structure cost effective and safe. There is one detail here that you definitely can’t overlook though. This would be the protection of wall corners. As far as protecting furniture, equipment, and walls from damage goes, corner guards are very effective. Read on to discover more reasons behind using them in your buildings.

A protective layer

To begin with, you can safeguard the corners of walls from damage. These tend to be the most worn parts of the interior of a building. The reason why is that their position makes it easy for items to get caught when people are carrying or pushing them. What you can end up with is gouges, dents, and more. You should use a guard that offers an extra barrier capable of protecting the substrate. This will keep the edges in excellent condition for years.

Save money

Using guards also allows you to save money. If you have to redecorate regularly to hide damage to corners, it will quickly add up to a huge outlay. The bill will be even higher if the damage is so great that it makes the surface unstable or means you need to replace the whole piece of plasterboard. It is better to use the guards. They are very durable and you can replace them cheaper and easier than other repairs.

Peace of mind

Lastly, but most importantly, the guards will give you peace of mind. Whether it is a residential or office building, nobody wants to have to worry about unexpected injuries. Sadly they can happen if you leave the corners without protection. This is even more likely if it is harder materials and a sharp, pointed corner. A guard will cover this, providing more protection against injuries.

Ask us about corner and column protection

At Barrier Mart we provide several solutions for protecting corners and columns. We have various sizes to choose from, ensuring we can cater for different needs. In addition, every product comes with a very reasonable price tag.

If you are currently in need of more corner and column protection for your property, contact our team today. We can help you to choose the right products.