Tips for using speed bumps for traffic control in car parks

Research from SKODA UK from 2020 found that an incredible 3.74 million British drivers had damaged their vehicle in a car park. These accidents cost an astonishing £1.5billion per year in repairs. Good traffic control measures can help to improve the situation. You can do all kinds of things here, including establishing and enforcing speed limits, controlling flows, and segregating different vehicles.

Human error

The main cause of accidents in car parks is actually human error. For example, a momentary loss of concentration can result in a prang. It can happen because the driver is on the phone, having a conversation with a passenger, or simply not looking at what is happening around them.

Impatience is also a massive problem. This could be down to it being busy and drivers trying to rush to get parked. Speed is a major factor here.

In some cases accidents happen simply because of carelessness. It could be that they don't leave enough space to get into or out of a space or misjudge how close other vehicles are.

What to do?

Different traffic control measures can help to improve matters in car parks. Speed bumps are one of the best options. They limit the speeds vehicles can travel at. You can place them strategically so they have to remain at the speed you want. As a result, drivers have more time to react if something unexpected happens like a car pulls out or a pedestrian appears.

The bumps can be especially good for reducing impatience as drivers simply won't be able to fly around the car park. They will have to proceed carefully or risk damaging their vehicle on the bumps.

It is also a good idea to use speed bumps to control the movement of trucks and other HGVs. The size and weight of these vehicles means even a slow speed collision can cause massive damage. But, if you have bumps specifically for them it can force them to slow down and improve conditions.

However there is an important thing to keep in mind. You must use the correct type and style of speed bump for the setting. If you choose inappropriate ones they can actually be a worse hazard.

In addition, all traffic calming measures should be visible. With bumps in particular it can be a good idea to ensure they are colourful and/or reflective. The lighting should be sufficient too, ensuring drivers can see them clearly as they approach.

Buy reliable traffic control solutions

Barrier Mart has a lot of experience with calming and managing traffic. We know how important it is in a variety of locations, from car parks to docks and busy commercial and industrial areas. Our goal is to help clients to put measures in place that can improve safety and reduce issues like congestion.

So, if you have a problem and want some traffic control products, you can shop with us. We have a massive selection, including different sizes of speed bumps, bollards, barriers, and more. You can buy via our website or contact us for recommendations.