Just how effective are bollards?

While they might not seem like much, bollards can be a beneficial addition to a site. They are incredibly useful when it comes to defining a boundary and keeping a building safe. On top of this, they play a big role in road safety.

Having a bollard in the right places will improve safety. This is without having a negative effect on the appearance of the site. To help you understand the benefits of this safety product, we will go over some of the advantages below.

Pedestrian safety

Poor traffic signals, unsafe crossings, and busy street corners are all safety risks for people, especially pedestrians. This is why it can be a great idea to install bollards in areas with a lot of traffic, whether vehicular or pedestrian. It will help keep people safe from a wayward vehicle.

Infrastructure safety

These products are so important as they can prevent both intentional and accidental vehicle damage. Any building or site that is at risk from vehicle impact should install them. In fact, there are numerous examples of places that can benefit. This includes government buildings, military sites, banks, museums, and corner buildings.

Traffic safety

A big use of bollards, and one that is rather helpful, is placing them to make drivers aware of different situations. This could be high curbs, narrow roads, or just to stop them from mounting the pavement.

They are also highly valuable for managing and calming traffic. There are various measures that require a bollard such as closed roads, semi-closures, traffic diversions, and more.

Stop kerb mounting

It is quite common for people to start mounting the kerb and parking on the pavement when there isn't enough parking where they need it. Furthermore, a vehicle trying to get in or out of a tight car park can mount the kerb and cause damage a lot more easily than you might realise. This can result in building and garden damages among other possibilities. Placing a bollard can prevent these instances from occurring and as a result, stop damage.

Ordering durable, high quality bollards

At Barrier Mart, we are known for our work providing people throughout the UK with quality protection products. Whether this is bollards, barriers, or another security item, you can count on us. Make sure you take a look at the rest of our website to see what we have to offer.