How does the UK handle traffic management in 2023?

We've been supplying the UK with first class barrier products for years. Our inventory includes handrails, bollards, fencing, and multiple traffic control options. Everything is manufactured in house. This is so we can ensure quality with every item. In addition, we're capable of installing many of these products nationwide.

Traffic management is important to direct pedestrians and vehicles around a disruption. It could be congestion, road surfacing, a community event, or an accident. In fact, it could be anything else capable of causing disruption or danger to a pedestrian or vehicle. By overseeing traffic properly, you can minimise the chances of a crash. There are also other safety benefits here as well.

It is interesting to note that there are a myriad of solutions safe for use on the UK's roads. Here, we're going to go over some of the most common ones.

High speed traffic management

This refers to measures on motorways with or without hard shoulders. It is the same for high speed dual carriageways. Often, the situation needs contraflow systems and Impact Protection Vehicles (IPV). It can also demand lane closures, hard shoulder closures, and portable VMS (variable message signs).

Active traffic management

Next is a system that usually features two, three, or four way lights. Alternatively, it can be a more complex urban traffic control (UTC) system. It is the opposite of passive management, like lane closures.

Rolling road closure

This is a short-term, movable roadblock. The rolling roadblocks are most common during events such as parades and cycle races. They're not as disruptive as temporary road closures. All they do is block traffic to allow cyclists to pass for instance. They can also provide temporary closures to follow highway workers fixing up the verge or if there has been an accident.


Here, traffic gets transferred to the opposite side of a carriageway to share with vehicles going in the opposite direction. Usually, you only need this on motorways to permit lane closures. It is most common while workers do resurfacing jobs.

Dynamic solutions for traffic control

At Barrier Mart, the safety products we supply will keep people safe in a variety of situations. The solutions we have include speed bumps, as well as fixtures to go with them. We also produce crash barriers, bollards, and much more.

So, if you're interested in traffic control for any setting, please let us know. We would be happy to advise you about any application for our products.