Different bollards need different approaches to servicing

We have spent many years supplying the UK with first rate barrier products. These goods are designed to keep people safe. They come in a multitude of shapes and sizes too. Bollards are also in this collection. You can use them for a variety of purposes. Moreover, you can source them from us for very reasonable rates and can also get discounts if you need a batch.

Bollards serve a crucial purpose with perimeter protection and traffic management. Like any security system though, they need frequent servicing and maintenance. This will keep them in top condition. If you fail to do it, you run the risk of your installations failing at a critical time. The result can be security breaches, property damage, or injuries. As such, you have to ask how often you should service them and what is involved in the work. That is what we aim to explore here. We want to talk about how maintenance needs differ between the models.

Automatic bollards

Fully automatic models with hydraulic and electrical components come with complex mechanisms. You should get professional servicing once or twice annually. This depends on how much you use them.

Tasks during a service can include testing electrical components and emergency backup systems. Others are firmware/software updates and lubricating moving parts. Checking and replacing hydraulic fluids and seals is also important. Replace and adjust worn parts as necessary too.

Semi-automatic bollards

These models come with hydraulics as well. They permit them to be lowered or raised with minimal physical exertion. Servicing tends to be necessary annually at least. For high traffic locales, twice-yearly servicing is the recommendation.

Tasks here are similar to with fully automatic. Engineers will examine the mechanics and hydraulics, make adjustments, and replace worn parts.

Fixed bollards

The important thing with these models is they don't have moving components. So, they need less frequent routine servicing if you compare to other designs. It is still a good idea to do regular inspections though.

Each inspection should check for corrosion, stability, and damage. You can then identify any remedial work and perform it. For specific kinds of fixed bollards like basic concrete posts, it often makes more financial sense to replace instead of repair.

Removable bollards

Similarly, these don't really need frequent servicing. There are moving parts, but they are entirely mechanical so you have fewer worries. What you should do is inspect, clean, and lubricate them regularly. Do so every 6 to 12 months. Although, this timing can depend on the model.

Important jobs here are to inspect the locking bolt and lock housing for any damage or dirt. These can stop smooth operations. As for loose fixings to mounting plates, you should tighten them.

Do you want to order bollards?

At Barrier Mart, we have several types of bollard available. These include our cast in and surface mounted models. Thanks to the different sizes, you can meet your needs with ease.

If you'd like to shop with us, let our team know. Or, browse our website to see the styles, sizes, and finishes we can offer.