Bollards can stop inconsiderate parkers

Parking is one of the most stressful things for drivers. It can get even worse when inconsiderate parkers take spaces they shouldn't. In the worst situations, it can make people unable to make it to appointments and other important things because they can't find a suitable space. Luckily, there are things you can do to restrict parking. A good option is to use bollards. Let's look at what you can try here.

Marking spaces

The simplest thing to do is mark spaces clearly so people know they are reserved for specific users. You can see this in many locations, such as giant symbols to say parking spaces are for people with disabilities or families with children.

You can do various things with marking, including specific logos if you need to reserve spaces for businesses. If it is homes, you can include the property number to say it is not a public space.


In an ideal world the markings and signage would be enough to stop people from parking where they shouldn't. Sadly though, some people will ignore them and park where they like. If this is a case and is causing issues, you can use bollards. You can position them so that people can't simply pull into spaces. Instead, they would have to get permission before parking.

There are a number of different options here. You can choose lockable surface mounted ones. You can raise and lock them to keep the spaces free. Then, when someone arrives who has a right to park, you can give them a key or unlock and lower the bollard for them. You can even raise and lock it behind if you want to give the vehicle some extra protection against theft.

Another option is to have electronic telescopic bollards. They raise and lower at the push of a button. It is convenient and doesn't require physically touching the bollard at any time; it can be done remotely.

The best idea is to consider all of the options here and then decide which will be best. Weigh them up in terms of the purchase price, installation costs, maintenance needs, and longevity.

Find bollards today

If you are looking to buy some reliable products, you can find a selection on our website. We ensure they are high quality, and strive to ensure they are affordable. You can even get a bulk discount if you need to order several.

So, browse bollards today and order if you find what you need. Or, contact us and let us know more about the situation. We can suggest products to help with inconsiderate parkers and more.