Alternative handrail uses

It is our job to ensure that people have the right safety products. This can be anything from a barrier to a handrail. The chance of an accident increases when you don't have these items. Fortunately, we provide a quick and cost efficient solution. It can include supplying the items as well as installing them.

One well-known fact is that designers get inspiration from their surroundings. This is what influences their work in many cases. They can incorporate all kinds of different imagery and ideas into their designs. In addition, many use everyday items to generate the look they are seeking. In some cases they can use common objects in some really surprising ways.

New interior design trends have led to the rise in people using handrails as practical and stylish design utensils. Normally, they would be solely for safety purposes. In truth, with the rise of industrial chic trends, there has been an increase in handrail sales. This is for aesthetic purposes. What we are going to do here is discuss some alternative uses of handrails you might not have thought of.


You may be designing an on-trend shop or industrial chic home. In both instances, it will be vital to consider how you store things. Handrails are being increasingly used for shelving and storage units. They are especially good for retail premises as an alternative to traditional garment rails. You can get an edgier look with them. You can be creative here to make sure you have solutions that are sturdy while looking great.

Custom loft beds

Handrails have even found their way into pieces of furniture. This is particularly true with the creation of custom loft beds. Everyone has found themselves feeling like there is not enough space for everything, especially with smaller homes. With a loft bed, you have a space-saving, stylish solution. You can use handrail sections to help you to create one.

Coffee bars

There has also been an increase in the number of restaurants, cafes, and coffee shops using these utensils to make coffee bars. You can use them like other types of metal tubing to create any kind of counter. They can be sturdy and incredibly stylish.


Finally, it is possible to use handrails as displays in shops. As we said above, you can use them for storage. However, you can also create a framework for displaying all kinds of different goods, from fashion items to tech and more.

Think outside the box with handrail products

At Barrier Mart, we provide clients with the greatest products. Our goal is to ensure the quality is always exceptional. To do that, we manufacture every piece of merchandise in house. Then, if you choose us to install them, we hit the same high standards.

So, if you require a handrail, please get in touch. You can order from us for tubes and key clamp parts to suit any needs.